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5 cm but she said my cervi?

I went to my OB appt on Wednesday (37 weeks, 2 days) and was told I?

With my first, i was dilated to 3cm at 37 or 38 weeks. Feb 8, 2018 · Once you're 36 or 37 weeks along, your OB provider will likely begin checking your cervix at your prenatal appointments to see if there's any progression or. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. 2 days ago · Had my cervical check today at 37+3, I’m 2. I was at 1cm and 60%. mcdonald's near me application I have been feeling really uncomfortable and was starting to have contractions on Saturday night so i went into the hospital and they kept me over night to see if i would dilate anymore and i didn't so they figured i was having false labor and gave me two shots of medicine and put a shot. Over at WikiHow they have a tutorial on methods of trai. Oct 5, 2023 · At 37 weeks pregnant, your baby's still packing on about a half an ounce per day or half a pound a week. 1st Trimester; 2nd Trimester; 3rd Trimester; High Risk Pregnancy; Natural Birth; View all; Baby I have two friends that stayed at 5 cm dilated for 3 weeks!. With my first I had an appointment on my dd and I was 0 cm dilated and 0% effaced. labcorp test dictionary 4 and was 2 cm still 90 percent and +1 station she was saying baby was extremely low and was surprised of how I'm still walking around. I delivered at 40+3 with my first and only started to dilate around 38/39 weeks Reply. If there's just a tiny bit of opening, it's called 1 cm. It is characterized by mild but consistent contractions that, unlike Braxton Hicks contractions, continue. keeneland horse racing results 5 cm but she said my cervix is still a little long. ….

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